Did you know that you have access to a DEMO account?
You can access it here... https://mydemosystem.com
To log in use your back office login and password.
If it's been a while since you've been in the back office... the chances are your "user name" is your email address, and if you don't remember your password, use the "reset password" feature and the system will send you a reset link at that email address.
Once you are in the Demo Account... you can enter a budget, income, etc. Use YOUR OWN if you want... or just use some numbers you think might be average for your area.
TRAINING VIDEO... is here...
The cool thing is... if you don't already own the program... you can easily see HOW it works ... and you can use it to show a potential client a demonstration. Feel free to OVER-RIDE any budget or income numbers you see in there for the demonstration... you really can't mess anything up... so poke around!
One thing you'll notice is the ability to do "custom tags" which can be used to "code" budget items to make it easier to do your taxes later! For instance... if you want to separate out your business expenses you could even create a custom "tax" that identifies what line on last years tax return that item went. At the end of the year you can create a report.
Note that you can go into "profiles" and create custom background "themes" - it's all VERY COOL!
Check it out... you'll have FUN with it!
Call me if you have questions!
Sue :~) 407-443-0348
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