Welcome to United Financial Freedom!

Not an "official" company website, this is the blog for Sr. Exec. Director and Independent Associate, Sue Copening. We hope this blog will guide you in our UNITED mission to eliminate debt, create income opportunity and to build wealth and FINANCIAL FREEDOM for America! You'll find tips here to help you maximize income with the Money MAX Account, pay off debt rapidly (or help your clients do so), and build wealth. If you have found this site because you were referred by someone, get back to them to get started. Otherwise, reach out to me at: 407-443-0348 or WealthBuilderGPS@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lenders: Do YOU offer a Guaranteed Mortgage Quote?

Avoid the Pitfalls!

“I’m a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Direct Endorsement (DE) underwriter. It gives me no pleasure to find a mistake deep into the mortgage process that the Guaranteed Mortgage Quote™ system could have easily discovered, and BEFORE the borrower planned their lives around a mortgage they don’t actually qualify for.” 
... Linda Waldman, DE Underwriter

As a lender... how often do you have deals "blow up" because of a mistake on the mortgage application that gets caught last minute?

  • How does it make you feel to tell your borrower that they can't close?
  • That you can't give them the interest rate you promised them?

What does it do for your reputation?  To the referrals you might have gotten from that borrower, or the future referrals from their real estate professional?  The damage is done.

Guaranteed Mortgage Quote™ has the answer.
Their program SOLVES the biggest issues in the lending industry. How would you like to have...

  • More applications
  • More referrals
  • Less mistakes
  • More approvals
  • Higher closing rates
  • Cost savings

First... How many Realtors and referral sources do you think would give their business to a lender who had a Guaranteed Mortgage Quote™?  

Who had a "seal of approval" their competition didn't. Do you think this would give you, as a lender, an "edge?"

"I know what it's like to have a deal fall through because of a mistake that isn't caught until a couple of days before closing.... I had it happen to me personally when I bought my house.

My job as a Realtor is to make my buyers and sellers happy and to help deals close. If I had a choice to refer between two similar mortgage companies...  I would most certainly refer to the one with the Guaranteed Mortgage Quote™"
.... Justin Harper, Realtor, Florida

HOW does the Guaranteed Mortgage Quote™ work?

It works GREAT!  

  • Buyers are guaranteed a CASH reward if their deal "blows up."
  • Lenders are pretty much guaranteed that a deal WON'T blow up because their version of the "1003" asks ALL the right questions. It's a COMPLETE 1003 and practically forces your loan officers to get it right.
  • The Guaranteed Mortgage Quote™ LOGO is like a "seal of approval" to your potential client... it puts you head and shoulders ABOVE your competition.

Watch the short VIDEO below... and then enter your information below to receive a link to a more extensive webinar that covers ALL the details of the program.  You'll receive a link you can use right now.

Want to talk to someone?  407-443-0348

Get the "Webinar on Demand:"

See short overview below:

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